The Vatac Ball float traps with rolling ball valve and
Duplex control (thermostatic bellows for automatic air-venting) for draining
large condensate flow rates from steam systems. With Simplex control (without
bellows) and hand-vent valve for the discharge of cold condensate or
distillates and for draining superheated steam, gas or compressed-air lines.
Which is designed for both horizontal and vertical lines installation, Body
with flanged cover. After removing the cover the control unit is easily
accessible without removing the trap from the line.
Design Features:
» Immediate condensate discharge with clean, tight shut-off. No backup of
condensate ensures maximum plant efficiency
» Works efficiently on both heavy and light loads
with no passage of live steam
» Not affected by wide and sudden fluctuations of
pressure or flow rate
» Stainless steel internals that can tolerate
corrosive condensate
» Integral air vent to ensure rapid warm-up of plant
» Robust construction to guarantee long life against water hammer and
offers Ball Float Steam Traps including,
but not limited to ▲Thread Ball Float Steam Trap ▲ Flange Ball Float Steam Trap